06 February 2017

Ayesas Amac Uyeleri Ziyareti Haber 1

AMAC Members Visit

AMAC (Ankara Military Attache Corps) member Military Attaches in Ankara visited AYESAŞ Sincan Industrial Zone Facillities with a wide participation on 6th February 2017.
General Manager Mr.Aziz SİPAHİ, expressed his gratitudes for hosting AMAC Members during his opening speech. Corporate presentations was briefed by senior management about AYESAS’s capabilities and products; AMAC Members paid great attention to the product demonstrations and plant infrastructure.

After corporate presentations, on behalf of AYESAS; General Manager Mr.SİPAHİ and on behalf of AMAC; German Armament Attaché Mr. Frank WEISE has presented plaque for the memory of the visit.
After photograph ceremony, AMAC Members was taken to the facility tour and briefed by the manufacturing managements.

The event was finished with a cocktail for the honour of AMAC Members.With this occasion, AYESAS family has expressed their heratfelt thanks to AMAC Members for their visit.

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